Friday, June 26, 2009

God – a myth or a miracle!!!

Time is ticking and days are rolling, my mind goes through thought process as usual and as always with many topics crossing my mind for blogging, but I never really found time to put together all the thoughts I had about them. Today, I felt like blogging and picked the most debated topic ever.

Existence of God. This is one of the topics in which I have often changed sides. :) Throughout my life with my experience I can never really take a side about his presence. There are reasons to augment to it.

I have been brought in an environment, where I was supposed to believe that there is a God who plans things for everyone in this world and his plans will be executed no matter what we plan or what we try to execute. I was also made to thank god for offering the life that we are leading now and was made to pray to him for better life or things in the future. And I was also thought to believe that if I do bad things, god will punish me, so I must behave in good ways. So being from such an orthodox religious brought up, I never really had a chance to think there is “no god” and it’s everything what you does, decides your life.

During my high school days or college days, I started to hear the argument from the atheist believers that “there is no god and it’s our action that decides our future.” We leave everything to god and never believed in ourselves or in our potentials there by resisting ourselves from achieving great things in life. Then my mind got confused and then there came the thoughts like

  • If he is really the creator, why cannot he create people with good thoughts, so that people really don’t need to go through bad experience to learn from the mistakes that they make.
  • Why he created people with inequalities in the life and lifestyle that they experience
  • Also why there are quite number of talented peoples who never really got better life style, while there are so many rich people who are not really talented?
  • Why not everyone is getting the opportunity to prove their talents that they have
Questions just kept rising with every day incidents that happened around me (and with every Kamalhassan film, I started to watch :)) and I was left with no answers to them, making me to believe as if there is no god.

As days rolled by and when I moved to corporate days, things looked better. I believed that my good thoughts and actions are yielding me better results. But then came the days, during which I was supposed to believe the factor of luck in the life. I started feeling as if there is no luck for me, in proving my talents or achieving things in the way I wanted to do. Days rolled by and I went through some good times and some bad times, during which I really didn’t had much of involvement with the things happened around me except that I was doing my job. Of course like everyone, I started thinking about god when I went through some bad times in my life.
This time I started believing there is really this creator

  • Who gives things to us when we are ready to take it and he plans things or events which mould ourselves to take the things that he offers to us.
  • We must just continue to do our job in good ways and he will take care of the rest
And I am very much sure, that there will be days in the future that will make to believe in atheism or in god. But over the years of experience, I now firmly believe that performing rituals in the name of god is stupid thing that a human can believe or do. It’s not just by making a business deal with god that we can really make things happen.

I have just given a glimpse of thoughts that crosses my mind when I think about god; I know for sure, there are more points that can be added to both the side.

Well I believe this is one of the topics in which I can never really take a permanent side. :) Catch you with some crisp and interest topic in the future.

Do drop your opinions and try taking a side on this topic. :)


Lokesh said...

I maintain “agnostic” atheism.
My opinion on your views…
Inequalities are indeed beneficial factors which propels us touch new heights everyday. Had we been all equal, we would be complacent in all aspects and we would never think of making our lifestyle any better which will eventually dampen all inventions.

Don’t you think making money without talent by itself is a big talent  I don’t think it is fair to compare one’s wealth and talent.

I guess Darwin’s origin of species should throw you some light on “creator” perspective of world, though Darwin neither mentioned the words Creator, God, Super-power nor criticized the existence of such powers.

My few cents…
I am disinterested in establishing that my perception is dominant or persuade people with my views. If some of my views hurt anyone, I seriously apologize for it.

If there is an entity that is responsible for every action in this World, then only two plausible reasoning exists.

1. The Holocaust, Genocides and other brutal events would have also been scripted by so called divine spirit. Then, such entity is no different from a psycho. Some even promote that such entity shows us both the good and bad ways and that we make out of those options but to me, if you guide a person with two options, knowing that the alternative will be miserable, you are simply a psycho, enjoying others’ miseries by fallibly misguiding. All good deeds, if it had done any, would necessarily vanish or would be annulled.

2. No such entity exists.

By reasoning #1, I don’t want to benefit from such a tainted entity, if at all it exists. Therefore better suffer than benefit from it.

By reasoning #2, I don’t expect any miracles to happen 
Either way, I think my stance is right. So I maintain “agnostic atheism”, believing myself and happily attribute every success or failure to my own decisions.

Furthermore, Genocides, The Holocaust, Revolutions and Imperialism suggest that “only fittest survive”. This principle sounds valid to the recent wars, the political oppressions in many countries and even to the “dynamics” in the organization we work and in many day to day scenarios. But still I feel essence of life is in firm struggle in such environments, for we don’t have any other good reason to survive. All these struggles evolve us (or later generations) to be the “fittest”, after all no one is born fit or ever fit.

However, I view religion and few rituals as something different in fact with great reverence. It “was” coded well but was transformed as it reached us through our ancestry. It was a code of conduct and a guide for better living. The underlying reasoning was not appreciated or passed on, while simply dictated rules were forced on us for generations. This fundamental gap stops me accepting at its entirety. I don’t simply ignore them but, follow whichever that answers the questions spawned from my “little brain” (there are people who simply escape claiming “outside our reasoning” philosophy).

ShankarGanesh said...

Today, we are living with mind soaked with materialism . Everything in this world has improved except "VALUES of LIFE". We relate values of life to pay promotion, social security & pleasure .

As you said, Why do we say that there is no GOD ? This remembers me a short story i read recently.
A man went to a barber shop to do hair dressing. During work, Barber said, There is no God exists in this world. Our man asked , why do you say so ? Barber replied ,if He exists, why do we have so many poor people, why so many sufferers, sick fellow people ? . Our man kept quite and left barbershop. On his way to home, he saw lot of people with long dirty hairs. Now, he returned back to Barber shop and smiled at Barber. Now he said, there is so called Barber doesn't exists in this world . Barber got angry and asked "Why ? How ? I am here . I'm BARBER " Our Man with a pleasant smile replied, if Barber exists, why there are so many people with long Dirty Hairs.....

Yes, God never fails who seeks Him . And our religion says What you sow, you Reap, It's Karma which runs your life. It's not because of external entities which determines our life.

Now, it's time to replace materialized mind with uplifted unselfish mind. Here you are, to server the world. You are given a chance to Help people. Our vedas stress self-supreme ,which is self-luminous, eternally pure and blissful. You with-in you is the source of Joy,peace, power wisdom & knowledge .

And finally, regarding rituals, it's not by doing rituals we can attain / reach Supreme. I go with you as you it is the highest level of stupidity , which is Ignorance & Dangerous. It's like fool having a lot of books in his selves. Finally, he reads what he deserves.

It requires change of ourself - SELF, to cure the evils and nothing else can change.

Lady Peare said...

Well! This debate never ends!!
A true theist, sees God in everything. A true atheist sees every being as God and for him, God is not a separate entity! which means , by both ways, every being is God ! Only people who dont fall in either of these categories , question the existence of God! :)
Atheist or Theist, ultimately,as you said, it is the good that you do to the world.

Hope, u stick to a side , whichever keeps you comfortable ;)!
Good luck.
Lady Peare :)