Existence of God. This is one of the topics in which I have often changed sides. :) Throughout my life with my experience I can never really take a side about his presence. There are reasons to augment to it.
I have been brought in an environment, where I was supposed to believe that there is a God who plans things for everyone in this world and his plans will be executed no matter what we plan or what we try to execute. I was also made to thank god for offering the life that we are leading now and was made to pray to him for better life or things in the future. And I was also thought to believe that if I do bad things, god will punish me, so I must behave in good ways. So being from such an orthodox religious brought up, I never really had a chance to think there is “no god” and it’s everything what you does, decides your life.
During my high school days or college days, I started to hear the argument from the atheist believers that “there is no god and it’s our action that decides our future.” We leave everything to god and never believed in ourselves or in our potentials there by resisting ourselves from achieving great things in life. Then my mind got confused and then there came the thoughts like
- If he is really the creator, why cannot he create people with good thoughts, so that people really don’t need to go through bad experience to learn from the mistakes that they make.
- Why he created people with inequalities in the life and lifestyle that they experience
- Also why there are quite number of talented peoples who never really got better life style, while there are so many rich people who are not really talented?
- Why not everyone is getting the opportunity to prove their talents that they have
As days rolled by and when I moved to corporate days, things looked better. I believed that my good thoughts and actions are yielding me better results. But then came the days, during which I was supposed to believe the factor of luck in the life. I started feeling as if there is no luck for me, in proving my talents or achieving things in the way I wanted to do. Days rolled by and I went through some good times and some bad times, during which I really didn’t had much of involvement with the things happened around me except that I was doing my job. Of course like everyone, I started thinking about god when I went through some bad times in my life.
This time I started believing there is really this creator
- Who gives things to us when we are ready to take it and he plans things or events which mould ourselves to take the things that he offers to us.
- We must just continue to do our job in good ways and he will take care of the rest
I have just given a glimpse of thoughts that crosses my mind when I think about god; I know for sure, there are more points that can be added to both the side.
Well I believe this is one of the topics in which I can never really take a permanent side. :) Catch you with some crisp and interest topic in the future.
Do drop your opinions and try taking a side on this topic. :)